Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Facebook is Contrite?

Mark Zuckerberg claims that Facebook has "missed the mark" on privacy controls and promises to deliver ones that easier to use.

Too little too late? What do you think?

New Privacy Controls

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Web 3.0 Explained

Check this out...it's a page that attempts to explain Web 1.0 vs 2.0 vs 3.0. There are a lot of videos to watch as well.

What is 3.0?

1. Integration of all technologies
2. end of the desktop
3. smart phone -- truly smart (knows history and location)
4. Bing - Decision engine not just search engine
5. semantic web = human language processing /recognition / makes decisions and thinks like a "human being" (not machine returning lists of data).
6. http://www.wolframalpha.com/
7. Geo-spatial
8. total integration of data and personalization of info/data, inc my own history.
9. I don't need to think!!

What's the problem with this???
1. Big Brother! maybe not... it's 'just' data, algorithms, and aggregation technologies.
2. creepy? "it's only creepy because you're not used to it yet"
3. what happens when i need to think?
4. are we all "addicted" to technologies -- we can't really de-link
5. I'm impatient -- are we lazy and impatient? We won't wait and we don't want to process it ourselves.
6. what about human knowledge and human activity???

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Facebook in Real LIfe

This is a really old video, but it pretty much summarizes the silliness of Facebook.

British people make it funnier.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Evolution of Privacy on Facebook

check out this visualization on what's private and what's public on FB (from 2005-2010):


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mobile Usage


I found this article that talks about how over half of mobile internet usage is on social networking sites. It's interesting because as more and more of our internet usage becomes mobile we are also greatly increasing our social networking usage showing its importance in our culture.

Thursday, May 6, 2010



People on Facebook
  • More than 400 million active users
  • 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
  • Average user has 130 friends
  • People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook
Activity on Facebook
  • There are over 160 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups and events)
  • Average user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events
  • Average user creates 70 pieces of content each month
  • More than 25 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each month.
Global Reach
  • More than 70 translations available on the site
  • About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States
  • Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application

  • More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries
  • Every month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with Platform applications
  • More than 550,000 active applications currently on Facebook Platform
  • More than 250,000 websites have integrated with Facebook Platform
  • More than 100 million Facebook users engage with Facebook on external websites every month
  • Two-thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites have integrated with Facebook

  • There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.
  • People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than non-mobile users.
  • There are more than 200 mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Facebook Crowdsourcing make it easy to harras


"North Africa has become a testing ground for a new sort of online harassment, and ReadWriteWeb is in the middle of it. Groups of Islamists are using the proliferation of Facebook's public pages to single out users they consider ideologically unorthodox (a broad category indeed by their definition) and then using Facebook's public ban process to stop their mouths."

Your Data and You -- The Machine or the Cloud

1. On an average day, what data do you create (intentionally or unintentionally?

notes, email, txt, receipts, homework, financial data, to-do lists, comments, status updates, tags, photos, phone calls, videos, playlist; Google Analytics (log of your activity), usage stats, logins, card swipes, Bruin card, blog, cell tower you used, wifi network registered, cookies, search history, papers, tweets, facebook updates,

2. What interface do you use to input it? (word processing program? a diary? your phone?)

phones, computers, paper, card readers, camera,

3. Finally, where is that data stored?

servers everywhere, anywhere -- "the machine"; in your paper notebook; or on your harddrive. exception: Phone calls (probably not stored); sim chip; in our minds.

4. What's the relationship between you and your data? Ie, "extension" of you or your sensory capacities?

Marshall McLuhan: Famous definition of "media" as extension of ourselves.

ARE YOU YOUR DATA?! My sense of self is connected to interface/media that allow me to share and receive data.

Can you truly de-link? Would you want to?

MATRIX -- everyone is plugged in, omnipresent, omniscient, nothing can escape it, the world is code/data/information.

The Cloud = the Matrix = the "Machine"

10 Reasons to Delete your Facebook Account

Just something I came across while reading the news today:


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Here's just an article on how social media may impact the upcoming elections.

"The Internet of Things"

After watching Kevin Kelly's video on the next 5,000 days of the web I am very interested in how exactly it will become the "Internet of Things" The personalization aspect of the web that he talked about is obviously already happening with functions like iGoogle, and other various applications. However, I don't fully understand what he meant by being able to control individualized, real-world objects. (He gave the example of the plane seat) Can someone break it down a little more?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

If you'd like to learn more about the Week 5 lecture...

Enrico's email


Web framework he's utilizing - Django (UCLA's Daily Bruin uses this as well)

Be sure to watch the TED talk from this past week (Howard Rheingold's) and take a look at the topics from next time. Read the wiki article for cloud computing if you get the chance.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How has social media changed the way we communicate?

From today's lecture:

Presentation tool I used: Prezi @ Prezi.com
The presentation (requires Flash): http://prezi.com/ujy8cttir11i/technology-final/
Includes a video we didn't watch today in class (History of the internet)

What I use on my website: Drupal @ Drupal.org

Tool to see bits of code: Firebug (Firefox extension you can add for free - go to tools>add-ons and search for Firebug.

How has social media changed the way we communicate?

How do we think about communities? What are the issues?

Enrico's (mylifeisaverage.com) coming next week...
Think of questions!

Facebook's laws (Terms of Service?!) vs. Law in "real-life"

Definitions of communities, evolution of our bonds. Breaking down the walls - freedom to associate. What is relevant?

Facebook friends == friends "IRL"
defining the friendship on your own terms
"knowing" someone

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

just an article i found on what the Facebook CEO is trying to ultimately accomplish: http://games.venturebeat.com/2010/04/20/zyngas-mark-pincus-facebook-should-focus-on-either-web-plumbing-or-portal-business-not-both/

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I thought this was pretty interesting. It kind of shows how people use twitter to the extent that even such mundane details are tweeted.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Banned From Facebook

Hey guys,

Just from today's discussion, people were wondering how to get banned from Facebook, and I found a site that talks about it. There's even a group on Facebook: Ways To Get Banned From Facebook.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 2 - April 14 "The Revolution will be Twittered" and related topics in user-generated media

April 14 -- "The Revolution will be Twittered" -- Tehran election protests and user-generated media (YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, etc).

* Study the Day-by-day mapping of the election protests in HyperCities and watch as many of the YouTube Videos as you can.

Andrew Sullivan Blog, "The Revolution will be Twittered"

Youtube video describing the project

Permalink to this collection in HyperCities

Technologies: AJAX -- Discussion by Jesse Garrett, the Inventor of AJAX

TED Talk:

Larry Lessig on laws that choke creativity

Larry Lessig, the Net’s most celebrated lawyer, cites John Philip Sousa, celestial copyrights and the "ASCAP cartel" in his argument for reviving our creative culture.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Class Description: Web 2.0 -- The Cultures and Technologies of the Programmable Web

Popularized in 2004 by the media guru Tim O'Reilly, Web 2.0 signaled a fundamental shift in the way users interacted with web applications and how they produced web content. Instead of just "consuming" content from static web pages (Web 1.0), the new generation of web applications fostered the creation and remixing of user-generated content, the harnessing of collective intelligence, open source models for development, and real-time collaboration. One need only think of the explosion of social networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter, aggregation sites such as YouTube or Digg that use crowd-sourcing to organize and rank content, or the radically open and participatory structure of knowledge-generation and sharing sites such as Wikipedia or Craigslist. The purpose of this Fiat Lux seminar is to investigate both the technologies and the cultural/social implications of Web 2.0. Finally, what will Web 3.0 bring? Here, we will examine the semantic web, the impact of pervasive computing, the mobile web, cloud computing, and the deepening connection between virtual reality and augmented reality.

This class will be taught by Todd Presner (Associate Professor of German and Comparative Literature, UCLA) and Quan Nguyen (4th Year, Bioengineering major, UCLA). Presner is the former faculty chair of the Center for Digital Humanities and has won several grants in digital humanities, including the ACLS "digital innovation" award and the "digital media and learning" prize from the MacArthur foundation. He is the director of the digital mapping project, HyperCities, a sophisticated Google Maps/Earth mash-up that allows users to travel back in time and browse historical cities by space and time. A graduating senior, Quan has worked for Symantec's Global Online Store (SMB) and researching the state of solar project financing for SolarTech, a non-for-profit trade association, and the California Energy Commission.

Contact: presner@ucla.edu or quan.nguyen.biz@gmail.com

(and sometimes twitter.com/quanyewest)

Class Meetings: Class meets every Wednesday, 12-12:50 PM in Humanities A48. Office Hours are Wednesday mornings, 10-12 in 329 Royce Hall.

Class Requirements: Please try to attend every class since this course is run as seminar and your participation is critical. All students are required to post or respond to one blog post per week (on the discussion topic of the week, on relevant websites/news, or the weekly readings/film clips). Also, all students are required to make a brief (10-15 minute) presentation in small groups during week 10. The final presentations will be a business plan/project proposal to a group of (fictitious) Venture Capitalists to get your "great idea" for a Web 3.0 application funded in the amount of $5M. Teams will create a short power-point presentation that will include answers to the following questions: What's your great idea? Why hasn't it been invented yet? Who is your target user base? What will the product do that no one else is doing? How would you spend $5M in start-up funds? What technologies will be used (or invented)?

Tentative Syllabus:

April 7-- Introduction: What is Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0? Where are we and where are we going?

In preparation for our first class meeting: Think about examples of Web 2.0 applications and what they do... Try to read the classic statement by Tim O'Reilly on Web 2.0 Design Patterns.

April 14 -- "The Revolution will be Twittered" -- Tehran election protests and user-generated media (YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, etc).

* Study the Day-by-day mapping of the election protests in HyperCities and watch as many of the YouTube Videos as you can.

Andrew Sullivan Blog, "The Revolution will be Twittered"

Youtube video describing the project

Permalink to this collection in HyperCities

Technologies: AJAX -- Discussion by Jesse Garrett, the Inventor of AJAX

April 21: The Rise of Social Media/Social Networking -- Why are we addicted to Facebook?

ANAND GIRIDHARADAS, "It Takes a Village: Behind Facebook's Success"

Ted Talk: Alexis Ohanian- How to make a splash in social media (4 mins)

In a funny, rapid-fire 4 minutes, Alexis Ohanian of Reddit tells the real-life fable of one humpback whale's rise to Web stardom. The lesson of Mister Splashy Pants is a shoo-in classic for meme-makers and marketers in the Facebook age

Mark Zuckerman on Facebook -- Video to Developers (click to go)

April 28: Crowd-Sourcing Everything -- The new wiki-economy where everyone gets to blog their opinion (Yelp)

Wikinomics Blog

Wikipedia Statistics and the Wiki Revolution in Higher Education-- It's not "what you know"; it's how you find, evaluate, and compose what you need to know!

The reconfiguration of higher education and the rise of "Digital Humanities" (read the "Digital Humanities Manifesto")

Ted Talk: Howard Rheingold on Collaboration

Howard Rheingold talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action -- and how Wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group.

May 5: All That's Solid Melts into Thin Air -- The Reign of Cloud Computing

On the Disintegration of the Desktop:

TED Talk: Kevin Kelly- on the next 5,000 days of the web (Can be used to talk about Web 3.0 as well)

May 12: Mobile, Mobile, Mobile

Locative Technologies: Here, Now, Gone -- Networking by real space, real time: Loopt, 4 Square

Learn about the "Transborder Immigrant Tool" (using mobile phones and GPS to help immigrants find water and safely cross the US-Mexican border).

Jan Chipchase on our mobile phones

May 19: Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality Mark-up Language (ARML): Marking up the real world.

Internet of Things - IBM's Take

The Future Internet: Service Web 3.0

May 26 -- no class; however, all student groups will be meeting with the instructors to discuss their "business plan" and final presentation.

June 2 -- Two-Hour class (probably over dinner, treated by Prof Presner)