Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mobile Usage

I found this article that talks about how over half of mobile internet usage is on social networking sites. It's interesting because as more and more of our internet usage becomes mobile we are also greatly increasing our social networking usage showing its importance in our culture.


  1. I found it interesting that they mentioned some mobile-specific social networks (MocoSpace, AirG) but I've never heard of these, but then again, I don't own a smartphone.

  2. Nice post, this article is really interesting.I'm wondering how much time and money Facebook is investing into upgrading their "casual" message service to a full-scal email client that rivals that of Google or Yahoo. It makes sense, as people would even spend more time on Facebook and better incorporate their professional and social lives. If I was Google, I'd be fearing the potential Facebook has to unleash this whole other sphere.

  3. As if spending time on the computer using fb or myspace isn't enough! These statistics really show the desire of wanting to be connected and updated about what other people are up to all the time.

  4. I think this study is interesting because it shows how people are becoming more dependent on mobile devices not just to call or message people anymore, but to be connected to the internet. People want to know what's going on in other people's lives. They want to know where someone is or where that person went to. As people start getting more connected to the internet with their mobile devices, it will only be a matter of time before the internet of things occurs.

  5. This is a very interesting study because it demonstrates the ways in which people are now able to stay connected to the web regardless of where they are. In the past, access to the web was restricted to solely home desktops or places that had computers in them. Now, however, this is no longer a limitation as cell phones and other devices such as ipods are beginning to have capabilities to log onto the web. I find it interesting to think back to the times when being at the airport, you had to pay to use the computers and log onto the internet while you were waiting for your flight. Now, you can simply use your phones.

  6. It's a lot more convenient, I admit I link all my emails and download the apps I use to my phone to make it more convenient. And you get instant notification so you don't waste time.
