Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What is 3.0?

1. Integration of all technologies
2. end of the desktop
3. smart phone -- truly smart (knows history and location)
4. Bing - Decision engine not just search engine
5. semantic web = human language processing /recognition / makes decisions and thinks like a "human being" (not machine returning lists of data).
7. Geo-spatial
8. total integration of data and personalization of info/data, inc my own history.
9. I don't need to think!!

What's the problem with this???
1. Big Brother! maybe not... it's 'just' data, algorithms, and aggregation technologies.
2. creepy? "it's only creepy because you're not used to it yet"
3. what happens when i need to think?
4. are we all "addicted" to technologies -- we can't really de-link
5. I'm impatient -- are we lazy and impatient? We won't wait and we don't want to process it ourselves.
6. what about human knowledge and human activity???

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