Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Facebook is Contrite?

Mark Zuckerberg claims that Facebook has "missed the mark" on privacy controls and promises to deliver ones that easier to use.

Too little too late? What do you think?

New Privacy Controls


  1. I highly doubt a significant number of people are going to get out of Facebook just because of the privacy issues. However, like I said in my previous post, I definitely believe that it's up to the users in order to change their privacy settings. There are numerous videos and guides on how to make Facebook even more safer. If people just took 5 minutes out of their lives to just click things, they wouldn't complain so much. But of course, it's much easier to rant than it is to fix.

  2. Check out this article. It summarizes Mark Zuckerberg's response to the massive protests against the site.


    I couldn't agree more his declaration. Changing your Facebook privacy settings is difficult even for the Millenial generation, let alone for parents and other groups. The fact that you have to manually adjust privacy settings for specific albums is tedious and not effective at keeping your privacy settings standard. Yea, there is limited profile, but even that was hard to access and control. I am very happy that Zuckerberg and the Facebook people take this seriously and I hope that they actually follow through on their promises to secure information and make it easy to adjust. For Facebook the Corporation, there is really no motivation to secure user's information, as they could make millions on selling people's personal data, so their followup with this will really speak volumes to the values and integrity of the company, as it fights customer demands vs immense profit potential.

  3. I don't know if this was mentioned before, but some NYU students decided it would be better to create a new (distributed) social networking website to address Facebook privacy concerns.


    They've also raised almost 200k through KickStarter (which Quan showed a couple weeks back).
